Thursday, October 18, 2012

Grade 1b News - Oct 13 - 18

It has been a great week in Grade 1b!

Literacy: In Literacy we continued working in our guided reading books and the students are getting very comfortable with their group members and getting very comfortable with reading books at their level. We also started Writer's Workshop this week! The students were very excited to get to be writers and write stories using strategies just like real writers!

Math: In math, we have started a unit on addition. We have learned about the + and = sign and we learned what happens when we add 0.

Science: In science we continued working on our five senses. We took a walk around the school to use our five senses. Before we left, we made predictions about what we might hear or see or smell around the school. As we walked around, we were very quiet so we could talk about what we could hear. When we got back from our walk, we checked to see if our predictions were correct! We did a very great job! We heard almost everything that we predicted.

Social Studies: In Social Studies this week, we talked and learned about ourselves and we started to learn about our families. We talked about who is part of our immediate family and who is part of our extended family.

Art: In art this week, we made Jack o' Lantern pictures where we practiced our cutting and gluing skills.

On Thursday, we took a field trip to Sitara Theatre!!! Before we went, we learned about how a good audience should act and what actors are and what a play is. At Sitara, we watched a play called, "Ali Baba and the Four Thieves." The students were very interested and they were a GREAT audience at Sitara. We had so much fun!


  1. hi Miranda,
    hope you are doing great :)
    i wonder if u have photos for the trip ,if so kindly post it .


  2. Reham,

    I am sorry. I don't have any photos of the trip. Unfortunately cameras are not allowed inside the theatre so I was unable to take any photos.

